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The 2024 Consultation


Every year the trustees of the Friends of Finchley Way Open Space charity conduct a consultation with neighbours and visitors. In this way the trustees hope to ensure that visitors and local residents have their say in how the site develops.


The land is owned by Barnet Council. This means that the work the charity does has to be agreed with Barnet’s Greenspaces and Tree teams. Both have been very supportive over the four years since we started.


The questionnaire link was distributed by email to all Friends on 21st October 2024 and closed on 30th November 2024. There was also a link on the FoFWOS website and posters on the gates with details of how to access the questionnaire. A reminder was sent to all Friends on 14th November 2024. All responses were anonymous.


There were 53 responses to this year’s consultation. This means that presenting the findings as percentages is inappropriate; raw numbers are given instead.


About the respondents

The majority of respondents (22) were Friends, a further 14 were Friends and volunteered.


The majority of respondents (39) like that the site is within a short walk of their home. The majority lived within five minutes’ walk of the site (42) and almost all of the rest within lived five to 15 minutes’ walk (11). None came from further away.


Most (38) of the respondents were aged 50 or over, only 2 were under 30. Thirty-two were women and 21 were men.


Four respondents went to the site every day and 11 went more than once a week but not every day. Twenty-two said that they went less than once a week but more than once a month but nine went less than once a month and two had never been to the site.



Over half of the respondents (35) said that they went to the site because ‘it’s somewhere to go that’s quiet, calm, peaceful, natural’. Some 27 go for fresh air and 13 to get out of the house/flat. Fourteen said that they went to walk their dog. Thirteen go to spend time with their partner or friends and 11 take their children. It is also used as a cut-through and 11 respondents said they used it this way. One of the write-in comments points out that: ‘too many people will take the charm away’. 


The majority of respondents (29) said that they go to the site alone, with a further 30 going only with other adults (aged 18 and over). Twenty-eight went with children.


The majority of respondents (44) visit the whole site when they go; four go only to the Green Field.


The most popular reason for going to the site was because it is close to home (39). For 39 it was somewhere nice to walk and 37 said that they went because it is a haven for wildlife. The same number (37) said that they went because it was tidy and well cared for. Other reasons for visiting the site were: for the trees, shrubs and flowers (42), because there are nice paths (30), it’s a good design (36) and it feels safe (18).


Of the 42 respondents who answered the question on dislikes, 26 said they had none. Nine respondents said that the site did not feel safe but this is against the 18 who said that they liked the site because it felt safe.


Respondents were asked what they would like to see changed or added to this site. The most common comment was to see more planting (21), while 12 wanted more seating and seven wanted more information about the history of the site, the plants, and wildlife.


Some respondents (3) mentioned better paths for disabled access. Four respondents said that they have a disability that affects how they enjoy the site.



Over half of the respondents (30) had never volunteered but 9 volunteer regularly. People volunteer because they live near the site (19) and because they are interested in the environment (16). A few (6) come to meet people.


The main barriers to volunteering are other commitments (20), lack of time (16) and ill health (7). Five people said that the tasks are not suitable for them or their children.



The previous years’ consultations have been very similar to each other. This year there were a few notable differences. In particular fewer Friends responded than in previous years and more others. More respondents went with children and more went more frequently.


There was an increase in the number saying there was good design but also more saying that it did not feel safe. The trustees take on board comments but where this isn’t possible the FAQ page of the website tries to address concerns.

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